1234567891011121314151617181920 |
- ## Going to be implemented
- - create game with options for: timed game, voting
- - dice level next to player name
- - sounds for game (for each screen or interactive items)
- - interactive effects for game (dice in gamescreen)
- - win/loss ratio (needs to populate on player stats screen)
- ### Front End
- - Game options: timed game, voting(kick, time round/game change, change player turn, pause/resume)
- - when a player initiates a vote on a voting area, the border of that area will change to a color
- to indicate that a vote is open OR just put an emblem on the card to notate some sort of vote is open
- ### Back End
- - experience system for games
- - keeping track of win/loss for users
- - timer game to talk to Qwixx
- - voting game to talk to Qwixx