# Make a Circle with OOP by Alex Golubov tags: objects, classes, math ## Summary > Your task is to create a Circle constructor that creates a circle with a radius provided by an argument. The circles constructed must have two getters getArea() (PIr^2) and getPerimeter() (2PI*r) which give both respective areas and perimeter (circumference). > For help with this class, I have provided you with a Rectangle constructor which you can use as a ba ## Instructions Your task is to create a Circle constructor that creates a circle with a radius provided by an argument. The circles constructed must have two getters `getArea()` (PI*r^2) and `getPerimeter()` (2*PI*r) which give both respective areas and perimeter (circumference). For help with this class, I have provided you with a Rectangle constructor which you can use as a base example. ### Examples ``` Circle circy(11); circy.getArea(); // Should return 379.94 Circle circy(4.44); circy.getPerimeter(); // Should return 27.8832 ``` ### Notes Don't worry about floating point precision - I've factored in the chance that your answer may be more or less accurate than mine. This is more of a tutorial than a challenge so the topic covered may be considered advanced, yet the challenge is more simple - so if this challenge gets labelled as easy, don't worry too much.