//  checks for capital and lower case s
bool validS(char k){
	return 's' == k || 'S' == k;

bool isParselTongue(std::string s) {
	//"Steve likes to eat pancakes"
	//  solve for capitals. solve for hisses. solve for hissses. 
	//  if no s is found, return true
	if(std::string::npos == s.find('s')){return true;}
	for(int i = 0;i<s.size();i++){
		if (validS(s[i])) {
			//  only one s was found, next character was not s. immediately fail.
			if(!validS(s[i+1])){return false;}
			//  if we found 2 consecutive s, do not check the second one.
				//  find all consecutive s
				for(int j= i;j<s.size();j++){
					//  an s was found, skip it
					//  no s found, start checking again
					else {break;}
	}//  end of i loop
	//  if we have gotten this far, the string is ok
	return true;
}//  end of function