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Wurst Is Better

by Alex Golubov tags: regex, strings


Wurst is the best. Create a function that takes a string and replaces every mention of any type of sausage with the German word "Wurst," unless—of course—the sausage is already a type of German "Wurst" (i.e. "Bratwurst", see below), then leave the sausage name unchanged. German Wursts | Convert to Wurst --- | --- Bratwurst | Kielbasa Kochwurst | Chorizo Leb


Wurst is the best. Create a function that takes a string and replaces every mention of any type of sausage with the German word "Wurst," unless—of course—the sausage is already a type of German "Wurst" (i.e. "Bratwurst", see below), then leave the sausage name unchanged.

German Wursts Convert to Wurst
Bratwurst Kielbasa
Kochwurst Chorizo
Leberwurst Moronga
Mettwurst Salami
Rostbratwurst Sausage
~ Andouille
~ Naem
~ Merguez
~ Gurka
~ Snorkers
~ Pepperoni


  • Append sausages from the "Convert to Wurst" column with "wurst".
  • Do not replace any German sausage with the word "Wurst".
  • The word "Wurst" must be title case.


wurstIsBetter("I like chorizos, but not sausages")"I like Wursts, but not Wursts"

wurstIsBetter("sich die Wurst vom Brot nehmen lassen")"sich die Wurst vom Brot nehmen lassen"

wurstIsBetter("Bratwurst and Rostbratwurst are sausages")"Bratwurst and Rostbratwurst are Wursts"


All German sausage names contain the word "Wurst".